Kazakhstan is set
to allocate over 460 billion tenge for the modernization of its oncology
services. The government signed a comprehensive plan to combat cancer in the country. Developed as part of the implementation of
the instructions of the Head of State, the document provides for highly
effective early diagnosis, specialized treatment, palliative care, and
rehabilitation. The country plans to apply the most advanced methods in the
treatment and therapy of cancer patients, ensuring that people in every region
receive modern radiation therapy aligned with global standards through the
installation of the latest equipment. Access to necessary medications will be
ensured as well. The provision of healthcare services to residents of rural
areas will be facilitated through the deployment of mobile medical complexes.
Additionally, telemedicine and artificial intelligence will be extensively
utilized. Particular emphasis is placed on strengthening human resources and
science. Overall, the Kazakh government emphasizes that the implementation of
these measures in cancer care will increase the accessibility of high-quality
therapy in all regions of the country.