Kazakhstan proposes Aport apple variety for geographical indication status

Kazakhstan’s Aport apples may be included in the list of geographical indications of countries. This apple variety was presented at the Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva. According to the Kazakh Ministry of Justice, registering Aport as a geographical indication will provide a number of benefits. Firstly, it will protect the unique characteristics and quality of the product, which are closely linked to specific natural and climatic conditions of a particular region in Kazakhstan. Additionally, it will prevent unauthorized use of the Aport name for apples grown in other locations. Furthermore, it will enhance the recognition and authenticity of this apple variety in the international market. As noted by the relevant ministry, including Aport in the list will play a significant role in the development of agriculture and support for producers. This initiative aims to drive economic growth, promote tourism, and provide support to agricultural producers.