Kazakhstan observes growth in key economic sectors

Kazakhstan’s economic growth reached five percent in six months, including in the real sector by 4.8 percent and in the service sector by 4.9 percent. Positive dynamics are observed in all major industries. Such sectors as construction, trade, information and communication demonstrate the highest growth, according to the ranking.kz portal. Overall, following the results of last year, the country’s GDP amounted to slightly more than three percent, despite the geopolitical turmoil in the world. The country’s economy has been demonstrating resilience to external factors for a number of years now. Wholesale and retail trade, construction, as well as mining and manufacturing industries form the largest share of the country’s GDP. Earlier, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicted that Kazakhstan’s economy will show growth by 4.3 percent in 2023, and by 4.9 percent in 2024.