Kazakhstan boosts industrial tourism

Kazakhstan boosts industrial tourism

Kazakhstan is developing a new type of tourism - an industrial one. It is now gaining popularity among foreign tourists. For example, Shymkent visitors can get acquainted with the production technology of large carpet factories, as well as try themselves as a master.

“I find this type of traveling very interesting. Turkey, for example, is known for its textile manufacturing, and you, in turn, have other well-developed spheres,” tourist Ahmet Gul said.

The enterprise’s management notes that they had worked out the route, thoroughly preparing to welcome the guests. For now, they are ready to receive tourists once a month. Apart from that, travelers can also visit confectionery factories, as well as a factory producing transformers and beverages. Tourists choose what they want to see themselves. Technologists show them places as tour guides. According to the city’s Tourism and External Relations Department, the list of industrial enterprises will be increased, as that area is considered a promising one. As for entrepreneurs, it is a great opportunity for them to promote their brands and products.

“We show visitors our production capabilities. Tourists are offered a special route around the factory, which enables them to learn about all of the manufacturing processes in detail. It’s interesting for tourists, because we have unique projects that can only be found in our city and in our country,” noted Yerlan Kydyrov, Head of the Tourism and External Relations Department of Shymkent City.

It is worth noting that this year, Shymkent has seen a sharp increase in the number of tourists. Thus, 321,000 people have visited the metropolis since the beginning of the year.