Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic sign memorandum on snow leopard conservation

Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic are set to join forces to restore the population of the rare red-listed predator. The parties have signed a corresponding memorandum outlining measures to conserve the snow leopard and its habitats in the northern Tien Shan Mountains within four specially protected nature areas of the two countries. These are the Kolsai Lakes National Park, Almaty State Nature Reserve, Ile-Alatau National Park in Kazakhstan, and the Chon Kemin State Nature Park in the Kyrgyz Republic.

«Today, the country is witnessing an increase in the population of the snow leopard. Thanks to joint efforts focused on studying and conserving the species, its population in the country has grown by more than 20 percent since 2019. The memorandum will strengthen ties between our countries for the conservation of this globally significant species,» noted Nurken Sharbiyev, Kazakh Vice Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources.

It is expected that in the coming years, Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic will monitor the habitats and prey base of these feline species. It is worth reminding that the snow leopard is one of the rarest large predators in the country. Today, there are over 180 individuals of this species in Kazakhstan.