Kazakh Senate adopts law aimed at development of domestic tourism

Kazakhstan will introduce a concept of a priority tourist destination. Members of the Senate, the Upper House of the Kazakh Parliament, adopted a law aimed at improving tourism activities. In other words, the authorities plan to develop those places that have the potential for the recreational industry and that enter the list of objects of the national level in the tourist map. According to the senators, entrepreneurs who want to launch business and build facilities here will receive certain benefits. The priority areas will collect a “tourist fee” from foreign nationals. This will attract 135 billion tenge (over US$310 million) as additional revenues into the country’s budget, create over 170,000 jobs and implement at least 1,000 projects.

“The development of tourism industry in our country is the primary task. The law adopted today will form a comprehensive legislative framework in this direction. At the same time, the range of financial support mechanisms will expand as well. Among them are such priorities as investment incentives, stimulating tourism activities, as well as subsidizing the expenses of tour operators who attract tourists from abroad,” said Maulen Ashimbayev, Chairperson of Senate, Upper House of Kazakh Parliament.