Kazakh Prosecutor General’s Office considers three versions of fire cause in Abai region

Kazakh Prosecutor General’s Office considers three versions of fire cause in Abai region

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Kazakhstan is considering three versions of the fire cause in the Abai region. The first version is arson in order to sell the forest fund. The second one is human error, namely, careless handling of fire. Another assumption is the natural cause. Firefighting operations continue day and night in the Abai region. The Kazakh Ministry of Emergency Situations reports no threat to populated areas. All means and forces are currently focused on preventing the fire from spreading to villages. In addition, work is being carried out to establish firebreaks, create mineralized strips, dampen the edges along the fire perimeter, and cover smoldering areas with soil. As of today, about 1,800 personnel and over 350 units of equipment have been deployed to extinguish the wildfire. The army aviation has also been involved in the operation, having dropped over 5,400 tonnes of water since the onset of the fire.