Kazakh political analysts discuss importance of SCO Summit

The SCO Summit took place amidst significant geopolitical tensions and changes, making it especially relevant. This viewpoint was expressed by Kazakh experts and political analysts who closely followed the event’s agenda. They believe that hosting such a major international event in Kazakhstan enhances the country’s authority and influence on the global stage. Overall, Kazakhstan is seen globally as a crucial and stable partner in Central Asia, with the increased visits by high-ranking foreign leaders once again underscoring this role.

«Overall, hosting the SCO Summit is particularly significant for Central Asian countries. This involves cooperation in the energy sector and joint efforts to counter the three evils. Kazakhstan is a key player in Central Asia. Therefore, hosting the summit and chairing the SCO represents a transformative moment for the organization as a whole, marking a new chapter in its development,» said Bauyrzhan Auken, senior expert of the Asian Studies Department at the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies.

«First and foremost, this event directly impacts international prestige and image of the country. Presently, the SCO is a platform with rapidly growing authority, underscored by the interest shown by the UN Secretary-General,» said Zhanar Tulindinova, spokesperson for the Institute of Parliamentarism.