Kazakh Mazhilis ratifies agreement on creation of OTS simplified customs corridor

In the near future, the procedure for crossing the borders of Turkic states will be simplified for Kazakh goods. Today, the Mazhilis ratified the relevant intergovernmental agreement among the member countries of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), which entails the establishment of a simplified customs corridor to enhance the efficiency of customs control and reduce its time. Trade operators will voluntarily provide information about goods and transportation moving between the territories of the OTS countries. In turn, they will receive a range of benefits outlined by Kazakh Finance Minister Madi Takiyev, who presented the draft law to the MPs. Among them are priority customs clearance, exemption from checkpoint inspections, and designated lanes. It is noteworthy that after the agreement comes into force, the countries will be implementing the project in a pilot mode for six months.

“This agreement consolidates all customs procedures. It will allow us to conduct data exchange, that is to receive information from our partners at an early stage, and transport these cargoes through the green corridor without inspection. There will be no need to make changes to bilateral agreements as everything is regulated by this agreement. As for information systems, we will not have a common integration or a common information system, we will simply exchange information on the data necessary for customs inspection,” Takiyev said.