Kazakh Foreign Ministry issues statement on Hamas-Israel armed confrontation

Kazakh Foreign Ministry issues statement on Hamas-Israel armed confrontation

Kazakhstan condemns the attacks by Hamas against civilians in Israel and the capture of hostages, including foreigners. The country supports the call of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the immediate release of hostages and unimpeded access to humanitarian aid. The Kazakh Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the armed confrontation between Hamas and Israel, calling on Israel to refrain from using force that leads to numerous civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip. According to the statement, it is crucial to comply with the norms of international law and follow the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, which secure the legal rights of the Palestinian people. 

Moreover, Kazakhstan expresses solidarity with the international community requiring canceling the established time frame to evacuate the residents of the Gaza Strip and ensure the protection of civilians who should not become hostages of the conflict. In this regard, Kazakhstan calls on all parties to immediate ceasefire and focus efforts on achieving a peaceful resolution based on stability and security for all residents of the region according to the Two-State solution.