International cooperation of Kazakhstan in water management

International cooperation of Kazakhstan in water management

Kazakhstan is developing a draft agreement on the creation of a water-energy cooperation mechanism among Central Asian countries. The country’s Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Nurzhan Nurzhigitov previously reached an agreement on the supply of water to Kazakhstan via the Dostyk interstate canal during the irrigation season. Under this agreement, regional countries will supply water to Kazakhstan through the Shu and Talas rivers, with Uzbekistan providing 922 million cubic meters and the Kyrgyz Republic over half a billion cubic meters. An agreement has also been reached with Uzbekistan on the installation of meters to accurately measure water consumption of both countries. Moreover, the relevant ministry has signed memorandums of cooperation with a number of foreign universities to train qualified personnel in the sector.

«The Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation has signed memorandums of cooperation with nine universities, enabling students to undergo practical training at branches of the state enterprise «Kazvodkhoz». Dulati Taraz Regional University has also signed a memorandum with the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers for a joint double-degree program. Thus, students of the Kazakh university specializing in water sector fields will also be able to receive a diploma from the educational institution in the neighboring country,» said ¤Moldir Abdualiyeva, spokesperson for the Kazakh Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation.  

Additionally, the Kazakh Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation has signed cooperation memorandums with the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the implementation of flood prevention measures and training of water sector specialists. Another international document marks Kazakhstan’s accession to the UN Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses.