International youth forum ‘We are the patriots of the country’ takes place in Nur-Sultan

The development and prosperity of the country are in the hands of the youth. Such is the opinion of the participants of the international youth forum ‘We are the patriots of our country’ that was held in Nur-Sultan. The event was dedicated to the State Symbols Day and the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence. The forum was attended by representatives of youth organizations from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, the United States, Turkey and France. They believe that every citizen, by taking a responsible approach to what he does, thus contributes to the prosperity of the state.

“I believe that each of us will contribute to the development of the country and its well-being, if we take responsibility and try to succeed in our field of activity. In particular, this is the task facing our youth. After all, it is they who will contribute to the prosperity and development of our state in the future. We must therefore make every effort to raise responsible young people who love their country,” said Saulet Kaldashov, winner of ‘100 New Faces of Kazakhstan’ project.

The young engineer and finalist of Elon Musk’s competition Sanzhar Taizhan agrees with this opinion.

“I believe that every Kazakh citizen gives something to our country, he does it in his own way. Personally, as a person with a technical background, I try to show and make interesting projects in our country that will help all our people to live better and easier. I think that everyone should do their own thing, and always do it for the good of our people,” shared the engineer.

Kazakhstan is currently implementing a comprehensive plan to support youth until 2025. There are 547 active youth organizations in the country.

Translation by Assem Zhanmukhanova

Editing by Galiya Khassenkhanova