Digital transformation in housing construction

Digital transformation in housing construction

Kazakhstan has upgraded the KAZREGISTER unified information system. The new version introduces features that enable online state registration of contracts on shared participation in housing construction via the eGov Mobile app. It is noteworthy that these innovations were developed based on research conducted over the past two years. Another updated information system, the ‘Housing Portal’, is equally functional. It will enable developers to remotely submit applications for guarantees to complete shared housing construction and subsidies for loans. Additionally, another digital product, the building materials platform, was also unveiled.

“The update primarily focuses on concluding shared participation agreements in an online format. With the support of the relevant ministry, we are currently working to facilitate the conclusion of agreements online. This significantly speeds up the government service for registering these agreements. As of today, this process takes about two working days. Once the changes are implemented, it will take only a few hours,” Altai Kuzdibayev, Deputy Chairman of the Kazakhstan Housing Company, said.

“We have incorporated features for creating, concluding, and registering electronic contracts directly within the system. First and foremost, this will help minimize the risks for developers in terms of contract falsification. Also, it will offer a user-friendly interface for all developers. The system is currently in trial operation. To officially launch it into production, the approval of regulatory and legal acts is required. We expect that they will be approved by year-end,” Yernar Abitayev, Director of the Business Process and Digital Development Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company.