Domestic scientists invent miracle elixir

Domestic scientists invent miracle elixir

Kazakh scientist Chingiz Sergazy developed the “Elixir of Youth,” a unique dietary supplement made using a concentrate of polyphenol grapes and other berries. According to the scientist, his invention can prevent some of the viral diseases and age-related ailments. These include metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, liver disorders and diabetes. The scientists studied and tested the mixture for 10 years total. Now, the invention is patented and put into production. The elixir is already on sale in the pharmacies of Nur-Sultan and Almaty.

“There is such a molecule - resveratrol. It’s a miracle molecule that prolongs the life of animals, but resveratrol turned out to be extremely unstable. It decomposes in the light and at a room temperature. Thus, the studies could not be extrapolated to humans. In our dietary supplement, we have stabilized the resveratrol molecule by adding other polyphenolic compounds that restore this molecule when it decomposes. It was possible to preserve the qualities only in a liquid form,” Sergazy said.