AI integration into education discussed at national conference of teachers

AI integration into education discussed at national conference of teachers

Issues related to digitization of the educational process and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into teaching were discussed at the annual national August conference of teachers held in Astana. This year the event which brought together over 500,000 participants, including Kazakh teachers and international experts, has acquired the status of a summit. According to the country’s Minister of Education Gani Beisembayev, starting from 2026 it is planned to introduce elements of AI into the school curriculum. Notably, Kazakhstan is ready to accept and adapt the available world experience.

«We are all well aware that AI has long become a significant part of our lives, and I believe everyone here has used ChatGPT at least once. Therefore, we now need to leverage all these global opportunities to enhance the quality of education for our children. AI is proving to be an invaluable tool for our teachers in developing each student’s educational trajectory. Previously, teachers couldn’t assess all students in one lesson, but now, AI allows to provide 100 percent feedback,» Beisembayev said.