Digital platform for subsoil users to be supplemented with new feature

The new digital platform for subsoil users in Kazakhstan will have an additional feature that will allow primary geological reportingAs noted by Kazakh Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry Bagdat Mussin, over 1,500 users have already registered on the platform, which launched in June. More than 300 applications for exploration and processing of subsoil have been received through this electronic platform so far. Anumber of other platform processes have also beenautomated, including the submission of reports and the signing of a license. To this end, joint work was carried out with the information systems of state bodies. As noted by Mussinthe portal will allow making bank payments, as well as holding auctions. All this will enable not only businessmen, but also investors to avoid paperwork and bureaucracy.

We launched the website in June this year in accordance with the instruction of the Head of State. The platform enables favorable conditions for investors and businesses interested in subsoil development. Data on subsoil sites with geological survey results and existing contracts have now been included in the system. To date, 58,620 contours have been digitized, while 39,000 reports are linked to the map,” said Mussin.