Creative industry actively developing in Kazakh capital

A unique ethnographic museum and craft workshop have been launched at the OzgeEpic creative hub in Astana to host masterclasses aimed at reviving traditional Kazakh arts and preserving cultural heritage. This initiative is spearheaded by the Beisbekov family of craftspeople, where everyone has been accustomed to working since childhood. The girls, alongside their mothers, meticulously create tapestry and felt products, embroider and weave carpets following the oldest ancestral traditions. The men and boys are also actively involved, engaging in the processing of wood, metal, and leather, as well as other folk arts. The workshop staff are willing to teach these crafts to others, as it is important to pass on traditions through the generations, Berik Beisbekov believes.

«We are planning to hold masterclasses here for those who want to get acquainted with Kazakh folk crafts. One can choose from various types of craftsmanship and learn it. We make different items from felt. We also offer masterclasses in sewing hats, silk scarves, shoes, and vests for small children. Besides, it’s possible to learn how to make leather whips, modern bracelets, and purses. There are also masterclasses in carpet weaving,» said Berik Beisbekov, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan.

Additionally, foreign tourists come to the workshop eager to learn about the traditional lifestyle of the Kazakh people. Various interesting souvenirs are available here for purchase, including Kazakh traditional amulets, painted clay animal figurines, silver women’s jewelry, wool felt toys, assyks, and others. Overall, the hub features six rooms, with one serving as a venue for various themed events such as literary and musical evenings, seminars, presentations, and courses. There is also an art gallery where contemporary artists can hold solo exhibitions, a theater space, book and smart rooms.

«The OzgeEpic creative hub was opened in Astana as part of the instructions given by President Tokayev on the development of the creative industry, which offers a wide range of opportunities for the promotion of the Kazakh language. Its aim is to develop modern competitive Kazakh art and craftsmanship. The work of our creative hub is generally aimed at promoting and supporting talented creative youth engaged in various forms of creativity,» said Malika Myrza, project manager of the Ozgeepic creative hub in Astana.

Notably, creative hubs have also been opened in Almaty and Turkistan. In the near future, a creative space will be launched in the west of the country, in the city of Oral.