COVID-19: people in Kazakhstan can receive two different types of vaccines

Is it possible to get vaccinated again, but with a different coronavirus vaccine? Immunologists answered the question of concern to the population. Sputnik V, HayatVax and domestic QazVac vaccines are currently available in Kazakhstan for free. With the emergence of new strains of the dangerous virus, people in the country began to receive vaccines in large numbers. However, having received the available vaccines, citizens still cannot visit several countries. Now residents are wondering whether it is possible to receive such vaccines as Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca. According to the Doctor of Medical Sciences Kulyash Kurmanova, there are no contraindications and it is absolutely not dangerous to get another vaccine after a while.

“We first vaccinate with the first dose and then with the second. Therefore, the production of immunoglobulins becomes even more active. It is because the body retains immunological memory. Once vaccinated, there will be no harm from another vaccine. Citizens can be inoculated with another vaccine after immunoglobulins have appeared. In particular, this can be done in two to three months, or even in three weeks. It all depends on how the human body responds to the vaccine. Overall, immunity after COVID-19 vaccination lasts up to an average of one year,” said Kulyash Kurmanova, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

To date, in Kazakhstan, over 4,372,000 people have been vaccinated with the first component. Almost 2,443,000 have received both components.