Comic Con Astana international festival to take place in Kazakh capital

The Kazakh capital is set to host the international Comic Con festival dedicated to the world of comics, cinema, video games, anime and manga. An eventful program has been prepared for the geek culture enthusiasts. Over the course of three days, anyone interested will be able to participate in a cosplay contest, meet their favorite characters, popular bloggers, renowned artists, writers, screenwriters, and other creators. Additionally, there will be vibrant performances by musical bands and groups. The headliners of the Comic Con Astana 2023 are world-famous actors Sean Gunn and Michael Rooker, known for their roles in the movie ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’. The event organizers promise fans that they will have the opportunity to personally interact with them and get autographs.

“Hello, Comic Con Astana 2023! It’s me Sean Gunn and I’m so excited to be able to share with you that I’m going to be able to join you for this year’s festivities on September 15th and 16th. Come and meet me and we’ll hang out. We’ll talk about all sorts of things. But I’m pumped, Comic Con Astana. I can’t wait. I’ve never been there and I can’t wait to meet you all. See you there!” said American actor Sean Gunn.

“Hey, everybody! Michael Rooker here! I’m coming across the pond all the way to Kazakhstan. I’ll be doing Comic Con Astana at the Congress Center on September 15th through the 17th in beautiful Astana, Kazakhstan. So come on out and join the fun!” American actor Michael Rooker said.