Book of poems by Hungarian poet presented in Kazakh language

A collection of poems by the renowned Hungarian poet Sandor Petofi, entitled ‘Liberty and Love’, was presented in the Kazakh language in Astana. The translation was carried out by Kazakh poet Kadyr Myrza Ali and was initially released to the public in a limited edition in 2007. This time, the work has been published in a larger quantity of copies and complemented with an electronic version available via a QR code. The book presentation was dedicated to a significant occasion, as this year marks the 200th anniversary of Sandor Petofi.

“Sandor Petofi was born in a city that, from a geographical perspective, bears a remarkable resemblance to the Kazakh steppes. His profound love for freedom and independence truly made him the poet of the Hungarian Revolution. This love for freedom is a common trait shared between the Kazakh and Hungarian people. His works are widely read, and he continues to be the most popular poet in Hungarian literature to this day,” said Otto Ivan Rona, Hungarian Ambassador to Kazakhstan, said.

“Hungary is a friendly and fraternal country for Kazakhstan and the entire Turkic world. We have a lot of joint projects with our Hungarian colleagues. Hungary holds great significance for us because it is in this country that the development of Turkology as a modern and social science took place. Therefore, the recent publication of Sandor Petofi’s works in the Kazakh language is very important for strengthening the friendship and brotherhood between Hungary and the Turkic world,” Shahin Mustafayev, President of the International Turkic Academy, said.