Annual plan to attract investment in Kazakhstan amounts to 18.5 trillion tenge

Annual plan to attract investment in Kazakhstan amounts to 18.5 trillion tenge

At a meeting of the Investment Headquarters, Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov set a task to attract at least 18.5 trillion tenge of investment in fixed assets for the Government and regions of the country by the year-end. Overall, the volume of capital investments in Kazakhstan exceeded 9.5 trillion tenge for eight months this year representing an increase of just over 12 percent compared with the same period last year. Most of the funds were attracted to the mining and manufacturing industries, the real estate sector, transportation and warehousing. The meeting participants also considered the implementation of major investment projects, including plants for the production of biotech drugs and food products. Smailov instructed to intensify the work of the Kazakh Invest National Company, diplomatic missions and other foreign institutions as well as promptly take the necessary decisions at the level of ministries and local authorities to attract large businesses to the country.