10th OTS summit commences in Astana

10th OTS summit commences in Astana

Today, Astana is hosting the 10th Anniversary Summit of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS). The meeting will be attended by the heads of member states of the organization, including the Presidents of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkey, as well as the leaders of the OTS observer countries, namely Hungary and Turkmenistan. The summit is expected to result in the adoption of several agreements and official documents related to the organization’s projects in the fields of economy, trade, transport, customs, finance, education, tourism, and culture. The heads of state will also discuss global political and economic events taking place in the region and around the world. As experts note, over the past years, the countries have built diplomatic and economic ties. The trade turnover among the OTS member states amounts to $27 billion, according to the Kazakh Foreign Ministry. The Turkic Investment Fund will also play a significant role in fostering cooperation. The parties have agreed to establish the first joint financial institution for economic integration of the Turkic world.