1.3 trillion tenge to be allocated to support real sector of economy

This year, the country's revenue will increase by 1.5 trillion tenge and exceed 19 trillion. Kazakhstan’s budget adjustment for 2023 was approved by the country’s Parliament. Kazakh Finance Minister Yerulan Zhamaubayev presented the corresponding bill during the Senate plenary session. The state budget provides for expenditures to support the real sector of the economy in the amount of 1.3 trillion tenge, Zhamaubayev noted. Besides, the costs of supporting the regions, the development of agriculture, transport infrastructure and the manufacturing industry have been taken into account. The expenditures for the modernization and construction of electrical and heat supply networks, as well as for ensuring defense and supporting the social sector have also been calculated.

“Social expenditures have been increased by 298 billion tenge. Expenses in this sphere are planned to amount to 8.5 trillion tenge or 37.5 percent of total budgetary spending. The funds will be used to implement the national project ‘Modernization of Rural Healthcare’, increase the salaries of preschool teachers, the size of scholarships of vocational education institution students, social benefits, disability benefits, and further develop the healthcare system,” Zhamaubayev said.