Vacation in historic homeland: This year's summer camp to host 200 ethnic Kazakh children from around the world

Horse riding, archery, assyk atu, and learning to play national musical instruments - about 200 children of ethnic Kazakhs living abroad will be able to take intensive courses in the Kazakh language, mobilography, robotics, and masterclasses in yurt assembly, as well as to attend a number of educational classes at a summer camp in Kazakhstan. Many of them will visit their historic homeland for the first time. It should be noted that such a project is organized by the Otandastar Foundation.

“In addition, children will be able to learn about education systems and select the best training program at the exhibition of Kazakhstan’s leading universities, as well as to take part in masterclasses of renowned figures and concert programs involving celebrities. The project’s main goal is to support talented children of ethnic Kazakhs abroad, including helping high school students to come to their home country and get an education in the future,” Lashyn Zhanarbek, Otandastar Foundation manager, said.

It is worth noting that the summer camp has begun welcoming ethnic Kazakh children since 2019, when 150 boys and girls from seven countries arrived in Kazakhstan, but in 2020-2021 the project was temporarily suspended due to the pandemic. However, last year, over 80 children from France, Turkey, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, China, Mongolia and Russia travelled to the country for a summer holiday.