U.S. shows strong interest in Kazakhstan’s critical raw materials

New projects for the extraction and processing of critical raw materials may soon appear in Kazakhstan. American companies are interested in expanding geological exploration activities in the country, as stated by Ambassador of the United States to Kazakhstan Daniel Rosenblum at a press briefing in Astana. He emphasized that the recent dialogue of US President Joe Biden with the leaders of Central Asian states at the C5+1 summit in New York opened up such an opportunity. Also, Rosenblum noted that Washington supports President Tokayev’s initiative to set up the UN Regional Centre on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for Central Asia and Afghanistan in Almaty.

“As I understand, the proposal of government of Kazakhstan, this hub that will be in Almaty will be focused on achieving of SDG of the UN. We do think that SDG are a good thing that we should all work towards there, so if having such hub will help us to get us there faster, especially in this region, it is a good thing,” Rosenblum said.