Top 25 in-demand professions until 2030 identified in Kazakhstan

The top 25 most in-demand professions for the next seven years were announced in Kazakhstan. The rating was prepared by specialists of the Workforce Development Center. According to them, the most demanded professions will include teachers, accountants, security guards, cash-in-transit guards and related jobs, as well as store clerks. Such a conclusion was based on a medium-term projection of staffing requirements for the period from 2023 to 2030. Such professions as librarians, court clerks, proofreaders, artisans, as well as farmers engaged in own-use production of goods, may be among the least needed ones. According to experts' forecasts, the demand for all the above-mentioned professionals until 2030 will amount to just about 10,500 people.

“The medium-term projection of staffing needs up to 2030 was prepared on the basis of a macroeconomic model with the use of a demographic model.  We took into account the employment statistics and the forecast of the country’s socio-economic development, as well as the development plan of the ministries. These data are used for the formation of the state order, as it is a forecast for seven years. Training period in educational institutions takes up from two to four years. That is, during this period there is time to prepare professionals to meet the future demand in the labor market,” Alexandra Molchanovskaya, Managing Director of the Workforce Development Centre, said.