Single land and real estate database created in Kazakhstan

Single land and real estate database created in Kazakhstan

It was developed by the country’s Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry and the Ministries of Agriculture and Justice. Due to the new information system a project on granting land plots through an online auction will be implemented. The process itself is built through the integration of the e-government portal, the Unified Real Estate Cadastre, the Regional Geographic Information System and the electronic trading platform of the Kazakh Finance Ministry. The second phase of data transfer is already underway. With the introduction of the Unified Real Estate Cadastre, the procedure for registration of rights to a land plot will become transparent and fully automated, it also enables to eliminate of unnecessary documents. State and registration certificates will be combined. As noted by the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, the cadastral map stores about six million data on the identification characteristics and registered land plots.

“Previously, the committee for reviewing applications for a land plot used to meet once in three months. Now every received application will be considered within a specific time frame. This process used to take a year but now the time has been reduced to 30 days. In addition, you can monitor the status of the application. If you receive a rejection and do not agree with this decision, you can send a request via the eOtinish app and receive an explanation,” said Ainur Yussupova, spokesperson for the Kazakh Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry.