School textbooks to be fully digitized by 2024

Digital textbooks will be fully introduced in Kazakh schools by 2024. To date, 79 percent of them have been digitized, Minister of Enlightenment Gani Beisembayev announced at the Government’s meeting. According to him, this work involves 11 national publishing houses. Also, methodological recommendations have been developed for teachers, with training scheduled for this year. In addition, virtual labs and resources, as well as gamification elements, will be included in the education system.

“To date, over 50,000 digital educational resources have been created. Since the beginning of the year, a total of 6,700 schools have been connected to digital educational resources. Each day three million school students and teachers connect to the resources, which cover almost 100 percent of school subjects at all levels of education, providing over 50,000 video lessons,” Beisembayev said.