School projects help fight global warming

School projects help fight global warming

The device that reads the content of carbon dioxide in the room was developed by a student of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Almaty Bogdan Mironov. The device also automatically neutralizes excess gas when its rate is exceeded. The so-called autonomous ventilation system on a large scale can solve the problems of global warming, the ninth grader believes. He presented his project at the national competition of scientific projects.  

“This device is intended for room ventilation and elimination of the problem of fatigue due to the high concentration of carbon dioxide. Our premises, in which we are now, are practically not ventilated. Double-glazed windows are everywhere, that is, there is no ventilation. Industrial ventilation devices are very complex and very expensive. This device is connected to the external environment, and a carbon dioxide sensor is installed in it, when the concentration rises, it is automatically activated and drives clean air into the room,” said Mironov.

Over 300 students of intellectual schools from different regions of Kazakhstan take part in the competition. They compete in areas related to the impact of scientific and technological progress on the economy, the development of green technologies, mathematical modeling, as well as the history of our country and the development of tourism.


Translation by Saule Mukhamejanova