Revival of seafaring on Yertis river

Revival of seafaring on Yertis river

The authorities of the new Abai region intend to revive seafaring on the Yertis River. The local mayoral office is exploring the profitability of on-water routes and the possible volume of transit and trade turnover. Economist Askat Dyussembayev believes that passenger and freight transportation should be arranged down the river. He explains that efficient use of the river will give impetus to the development of the economy of three large cities, i.e. Semei, Oskemen and Pavlodar, at the same time. Over two million Kazakh residents, five million Russians and 25 million Chinese citizens live alongside Yertis basin.

“The Yertis passes through the territory of three countries. The river originates in China, where it stretches for 523 km, then passes through Kazakhstan and Russia. Why don't we use it? It will boost the development of several cities, new workspaces will emerge, and the economy will flourish,” said economist Askat Dyussembayev. 

Three shipyards operate in Kazakhstan to date, including one in Semei. The management of the enterprise is ready to increase the scale of the production if there would be a corresponding demand.

“We can take orders, we can build up our capacity. In view of recent events in the world, our economy would benefit from the development of transportation. It is one of the key tasks, and I would even say a strategic one,” said deputy director of ship-repair yard Amir Akhmetzyanov.

The governor’s office states that there are investors who are ready to support projects in resuming seafaring. However, the exact date when ships will begin to sail along the Yertis has not been announced yet.