Parliament members comment on possibilities of SCO summit in Astana

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Astana is set to become a new starting point for promoting Kazakhstan’s image and interests on the global stage. The meeting of the SCO member states is particularly relevant given the current geopolitical situation. The expected entry of a new country - Belarus - into the SCO family is important not only from a political but also an economic perspective, according to Kazakh MPs. Hosting this significant international event in Kazakhstan opens new opportunities for regional trade and investment expansion, as well as for advantageous establishment of transit potential along the East-West and North-South transport corridors.

«This is one of the major global institutions that allows Kazakhstan to establish its agency, address certain issues related to geopolitical tensions, and ensure its interests are prioritized in the global agenda. Currently, China benefits significantly, and India-led Southern countries also play pivotal roles. To date, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are actively working to establish transit routes through Afghanistan. Besides, we are striving to access Iran and India and deliver large flows of goods to the world market and the Persian Gulf in the shortest possible time,» said Aidos Sarym, Member of the Mazhilis, the Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament.