Kazakhstan considers reforms in construction sector

Kazakhstan considers reforms in construction sector

By the end of 2023, a draft Construction Code is planned to be submitted for consideration to the Mazhilis, the Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament. It will comprise four basic laws. Amendments to a number of regulatory legal acts are envisaged as well. The agenda of a construction forum, held today in Astana, included current issues in the industry. According to experts, the introduction of the code, as well as the E-Qurylys information system, which allows online monitoring of the entire construction process, will resolve various issues in the architectural and urban planning spheres in the country. The incorporation of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) contract terms, which are applied worldwide, will also bring changes. In Kazakhstan, these terms are used on projects involving such international financial institutions as the World Bank, EBRD and ADB.

“FIDIC is one of the international standards organizations for construction. It has developed a regulatory framework for procedures for implementing the construction of certain projects, including highways, road complexes, medical centers, hotels, and many others. According to President Tokayev, foreign specialists must be involved in introducing FIDIC contracts into domestic construction at the initial stage,” said FIDIC contract manager Kirill Lonovenko.