Kazakh yurt installed in Slovak capital

This year, a Kazakh yurt made its first appearance in the historic center of Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, where bright and memorable Nauryz celebrations took place. Residents and visitors of the city were presented with the colorful decorations adorning the mobile nomadic dwelling, including traditional carpets, woven patterned ribbons, Kazakh musical instruments, and various objects of decorative and applied arts. The interior of the yurt was also decorated with Kazakh national costumes, leather panels, nomadic armor, and kamchas, a traditional Kazakh whip. The Oral ethno-folklore ensemble ‘Arnau’ introduced the Bratislava residents to the music of the Great Steppe. Also, a masterclass with the participation of talented children from a local art school was held as part of the Nauryz celebration. The works of young artists will be presented at the permanent exhibition entitled ‘Kazakhstan through the eyes of Slovak children’. According to the Kazakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Kazakh yurt will later be installed for demonstration in other regions of the Slovak Republic.