Kazakh young women build and launch nanosatellite

Kazakh young women build and launch nanosatellite

Young Kazakh scientists launched a nanosatellite into the upper stratosphere. The peculiarity of the project is that the team that created the small spacecraft was composed only of girls. They mastered the important stages of satellite building in online courses held as part of the UniSat Nano-satellite Educational Programme for Girls.

“50 participants were involved in the project, including 25 from Almaty and the rest from the Turkistan region. They completed a three-day offline marathon, where they were able to test and assemble the UniSat nanosatellite with their own hands, and finally launch it into the upper atmosphere. Next day the participants processed all the data, made the presentation of the project and received certificates,” said Amirkhan Temirbayev, General Director of the KazNU Engineering and High Technologies Cluster.

Bibikhan Assanova from Almaty was also engaged in nanosatellite creation. She says that participation in the project is a great and invaluable experience for her. Now she wants to be enrolled in the UniSat program as a specialist.

“I really like that we get to create everything ourselves. Each assembled sensor is signed by its manufacturer. We make our own calculations. It’s all very interesting,” Assanova added.

The spacecraft was launched in Turkistan. The purpose of the experiment was to measure the amount of harmful microparticles in the air. It bears noting that the UniSat project was launched two years ago. At present, girls from three neighboring countries are already taking part in it. The main objective of the project is to launch a full-fledged nanosatellite into space. It will be created by a team of the most talented female engineers.