Kazakh Senate ratifies protocol for financing cooperative projects within EAEU

Kazakh Senate ratifies protocol for financing cooperative projects within EAEU

Today, members of the Senate, an Upper House of the Kazakh Parliament, have approved the ratification of a protocol for financing joint cooperative projects within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). This protocol envisages the creation of new production facilities, the modernization of existing ones, and the augmentation of production capacities. It also aims to bolster mutual trade, exports, and investments among EAEU member countries. Funding will be sourced from 10 percent of the proceeds derived from special, anti-dumping, and compensatory duties collected by the Union’s budgets. The maximum subsidy amount for one project is set at 1.8 billion tenge per year. Financial support is provided through second-tier banks and development institutions, of which Kazakhstan has 15. Priority sectors for financing have also been identified. Among them are the chemical, metallurgical, and mechanical engineering industries.

“Ratification is necessary to establish the legal framework and finance cooperation projects from the EAEU’s budget. Presently, over 144 projects are in progress,” said Kazakh Deputy Minister of Industry and Construction Zhannat Dubirova.