Kazakh CEC publishes procedure for conducting public opinion polls for Mazhilis and Maslikhat election

Who is eligible to conduct public opinion polls for the upcoming elections to the Mazhilis and Maslikhats and how to do it in accordance with the country’s legislation? Today, the Kazakh Central Election Commission has answered these questions. Thus, legal entities registered in the country with at least five years of work experience in this area are eligible to conduct polls among Kazakh citizens. It is necessary to provide written notification to the CEC in advance. The document should include information on the specialists involved in the poll, the regions where polls will be conducted, as well as the applied methods of analysis. When publishing the results, the media or online platforms are required to indicate the legal entity that conducted the poll, the ordering party, the method of collecting data, the exact wording of questions, the number of respondents and the margin of error. It is not allowed to publish poll results or election forecasts within five days prior to polling day, namely from March 14 to March 18, and on election day on March 19.