Kazakh artisans to be assisted to enter world markets

Bright and unique crafts by Kazakh artisans, created according to ancient nomadic technologies and representing the rich traditions of the Kazakh people, are entering the international markets. Now hand-made goods of domestic artisans will be sold on the e-commerce marketplace. Customers from all over the world will be able to purchase them in a specially created online store. The new initiative is carried out as part of the Ready4Trade project, which is funded by the European Union.

“Central Asia is a place known for its long-standing traditions, unique culture, and this culture is not necessarily globally known. We have unique artisans, who still cultivate traditional crafts, be it carpentry, jewelry, ceramics or others. We asked the largest impact marketplace in the world, which is already working on several continents of the world, but has not yet been present in Central Asia, to work with us. They agreed,” said Kestutis Jankauskas, EU Ambassador to Kazakhstan.

Artisans from other Central Asian countries will also be able to sell their crafts on the e-commerce platfrom. As noted by the EU Ambassador to Kazakhstan, the project makes it possible for the region’s enterprises to become stronger, more stable and visible at the international level. 40 artisans will be selected at the initial stage of the project, and provided assistance with registration, display, sale, packaging and express delivery of their products. Besides, Central Asian masters will have access to other platforms. Their works will be presented at UNICEF, the Smithsonian Folk Festival, the Road Scholar World Bazaar and other popular international marketplaces.

“The whole project is aimed primarily at removing trade barriers within the region and stimulating trade among the five Central Asian countries. All alone, these countries do represent significant market, but altogether it is a market of over 75 million people. The project also tries to open to the small businesses in Central Asia the market of the European Union, and the world markets. It first of all focuses on SMEs, encouraging and enabling them to use very modern tool of e-commerce. We believe that they should be the backbone of economy also in Central Asia, as they are in the European Union. Large enterprises don’t need much of help. E-commerce and sale on digital platforms are the future of the international trade. We very much encourage the others to contact the project offering what they can,” Jankauskas added.