Kassym-Jomart Tokayev delivers address at first session of Kazakh Parliament of eighth convocation

At the opening of the first session of the Parliament of the eighth convocation, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev outlined the tasks for the MPs, instructing them to constantly be on the frontline and take decisions being liable for the people. He urged them to work together for the benefit of the country and assigned to bring laws into alignment with the Constitution. President Tokayev noted that the Amanat party, a winner of the parliamentary election, has the right to nominate a candidate for prime minister and take political responsibility.

“We must exclude populism and defend private interests. The Kazakh Parliament and maslikhats should always interact closely to ensure consistency in the implementation of state policy. Thanks to the reforms, the powers of MPs have been significantly expanded, which, in turn, would allow the country’s government to timely respond to serious and large-scale problems arising in the regions that local authorities are unable to solve. The Lower and Upper Houses of the Kazakh Parliament have also undergone changes. If earlier bills were approved by the Mazhilis and then adopted by the Senate, now the right to pass the laws has been transferred to the Mazhilis,” he said.

It is clear that the newly elected MPs who came out on top in the political race understand their primary responsibility towards the people of Kazakhstan who cast votes in their favor.

 “There are many important issues that we will be working on. I believe that the status of health workers should be improved. Cultural workers, especially librarians, also need to be supported. We have developed several draft laws,” mazhilisman Askhat Aimagambetov shared.

 “We can say that the Nurly Zher State Program has already become outdated as the cost per square meter of housing has significantly gone up. In addition, attention also needs to be paid to the quality of constructed buildings. To this end, the standards need to be revised,” mazhilisman Daulet Mukayev stated.

 “I will work for the benefit of Kazakhstan, for that we must adopt new laws and decisions, particularly on the most topical issues, such as the shortage of kindergartens and schools. This issue is especially relevant in the city of Astana, since the population of the capital is steadily growing,” mazhilisman Daulet Turlykhanov said.

Members of the Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament swore an oath on the Constitution to serve the people of Kazakhstan. They are ready to fulfill their duties and justify the trust of the people of Kazakhstan.