Heads of Kazakh universities receive advanced training in UK

Heads of Kazakh universities receive advanced training in UK

The leaders of Kazakh universities have received advanced training and exchanged experiences with representatives from top British universities. This opportunity was extended not only to rectors and vice rectors but also to deans and heads of departments from domestic educational institutions as part of a special program supporting the systemic transformation of higher education in the country and the transition to an effective management model. In general, the training encompassed nine interactive modules covering topics such as ensuring the quality of academic programs and effective university structure. One of the modules involved a detailed study of the practices of highly-rated British universities.

“British universities have extensive experience in developing and shaping educational strategies, implementing educational programs, as well as in searching for and managing professional personnel, which is highly beneficial for our university. As the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, I can say that we will be integrating innovations into our strategies based on the knowledge we have gained,” said Serik Makysh, Vice Rector of Gumilyov Eurasian National University.