Farmers from Kyzylorda region to grow potatoes and watermelons instead of rice

Farmers from Kyzylorda region to grow potatoes and watermelons instead of rice

Potatoes and watermelons instead of rice. Farmers of the Kyzylorda region are switching to moisture-saving crops as part of the diversification of the sown areas. For example, about 600 hectares are planned to be developed in this way in the Karmakshy district.

“The whole point is that we are now planting vegetable and melon crops in former rice fields,” Adilbek Yersultanov, Governor of the Karmakshy district of Kyzylorda Region, said.

“The film coating retains twice as much heat and moisture. The soil under polyethylene almost does not dry out, which saves irrigation water. This technology guarantees good seedlings, early ripening and a rich harvest,” noted village resident Serik Beissov.

In the current farming season, the area of rice plantations in the region was reduced by 5,000 hectares due to the shortage of irrigation water. Experts note that the diversification will not only make it possible to rationally use essential moisture, but also provide the population with high-demand products.


Translation by Assem Zhanmukhanova

Editing by Saule Mukhamejanova