Astana Opera outlines plans for 2023

The Kazakh capital is once again turning into the world’s largest opera and ballet venue this year. The Astana Opera Theatre will host the Operalia international festival of classical art in autumn. As part of the festival it is planned to hold concerts that will enable the capital residents and guests to enjoy world culture. Astana Opera’s Director Galym Akhmedyarov outlined the theater's plans announcing long-awaited premieres and tours. According to him, tour performances of renowned theater troupes will take place in the near future. For example, well-known Boris Eifman's ballet troupe will present two performances to high art connoisseurs, namely ‘Anna Karenina’ and ‘Pygmalion Effect’. In addition, the theater’s tenth anniversary will be marked by the premiere of the exclusive ballet of the famous Czech choreographer Jiri Kylian ‘The Little Death’ to the music of Mozart. Besides, there are plans to replenish the theater’s repertoire with La Sylphide ballet by Herman Lovenskiold and new ballet productions designed for young audiences.