Around 840 new professions to be included in National Classifier of Occupations of Kazakhstan

New professions will appear in the National Classifier of Occupations of Kazakhstan. The country’s Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population is currently working on introducing these changes. Thus, among the list of over 900 specialties, nearly 840 will be new inclusions. For example, two additionaloccupations, namely a bioengineer-researcher and a biomedical engineer, will be added to the Biomedical Engineers category. The group of healthcare professionals will be supplemented with palliative care physicians and diabetologists. Additionally, the updated classifier will introduce such unique professions as drone operators, digital agronomists, digital technologists, and eco-analysts. It bears notingthat the draft amendments were developed following discussions between government agencies, local administrations, the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan, and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Proposals from employer associations, as well as developers of professional standards and the Atlas of new professions and competencies, were alsotaken into account. The draft is currently under public discussion.