Animated film by Kazakh female director wins over 50 awards at film festivals worldwide

Animated film by Kazakh female director wins over 50 awards at film festivals worldwide

The animated film “The Ribbon” by a young Kazakh director won more than 50 awards and nominations at prestigious international film festivals. The short film by Polla-Ilariya Kozino tells the story of a girl who suddenly wakes up in a magical world and meets strange characters on her way. According to the author of the project, the work on the film was completed two years ago. During this time, the film participated in festivals in the U.S., Europe, Russia, Japan, China, and received positive reviews from film critics around the world. Kozino was born and raised in Almaty.

“The Ribbon” is an animation short, which is basically. We have a lot of beautiful representations, it’s a beautiful world where that girl lives in, and she is going through a lot of obstacles to find her goal. It is quite touching. It is a drama because it brings up the questions of life, death, our decisions of us being selfish or us caring about other people, and all of it through the girl’s eyes, through the girl's experience. So it is quite touching,” said the film director.

Two years ago, the Kazakh film director opened her animation studio, and she is currently continuing her work on new animation projects.


Translation by Assem Zhanmukhanova

Editing by Galiya Khassenkhanova