American travel bloggers to promote Kazakhstan's tourism potential

The American bloggers, writers and journalists, who have recently visited Kazakhstan, are convinced that the whole world should get acquainted with the country’s natural beauties and unique sights. A special press tour of the sights in the Almaty region was organized for them with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Kazakh Tourism National Company. For a whole week, foreign guests were learning about the cultural features, traditions and natural heritage of the country to share new content with their followers and readers.

“I have already been sharing a lot of information on my social channels while here. I think of that as showing my followers and readers just a little bit of a taste of the country.  My goal is to help bridge the gap between people who want to come here and give them that history and information, so that they understand what’s here. I think the big thing is not enough people know and understand how big the story is. The amount of times that I was sitting on the ridge, looking over up at a mountain, I just was at a loss for words. My plan is to take that loss for words and turn it into a lot of words, and help bring people to this country, and let them know that Kazakhstan is open for tourism,” said Christopher James Mitchell, American travel blogger.

The Charyn Canyon, Kaiyndy and Kolsai lakes, as well as mountain peaks and rivers – all this unshakable and breathtaking beauty of the Almaty region captivated not only the travelers, but also numerous readers of their blogs, who leave enthusiastic comments about the incredible landscapes in the foothills of the Zailiysky Alatau mountains, and the endless hospitality of Kazakh people.

“I am so excited about the experiences that we’ve had from the adventure tourism, and the nature, outdoors, culture, food have been wonderful. But I think of all the experiences that I’ve had nothing compares to the people. The secret ingredient of travel in Kazakhstan has to be how wonderful, warm, and welcoming the locals are. It is all so incredibly beautiful - nature, hiking, lakes, mountains, and ski resorts. Everything here is so well put together. As a tourist destination, Kazakhstan has so much to offer. And I think that I am very excited to be able to showcase a side of Kazakhstan, that a lot of people in North America have never thought of before,” said Kevin Wagar, American travel blogger.