Peace Tree installation presented in Kazakh capital

The art object contains the messages of the VII Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions participants. It was installed at the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation. The event was attended by members of the Parliament, heads of foreign diplomatic missions in Kazakhstan, representatives of religious and public associations, as well as by Senate Speaker Maulen Ashimbayev. He highlighted the special role of the Congress, stressing that it makes an important contribution to the continuation of interreligious dialogue. According to him, this is the second creative project in tribute to the historical forum. The first one was the park, which was laid in the autumn.

«This installation was created specifically for the VII Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, which became a truly historic and unique event, in terms of the level, the number of participants and the importance of the issues under consideration. It should be noted that the Peace Tree installation conveys the main message and main ideas of the Congress,» Ashimbayev noted.