Microloans totaling 29 billion tenge planned to be issued to Kazakh young people in 2023

Microloans totaling 29 billion tenge planned to be issued to Kazakh young people in 2023

Over 5,000 young Kazakh citizens can receive preferential microloans to implement their business ideas. To date, the Agrarian Credit Corporation has approved over 3,300 applications, with loans already issued for 2,500 of them. The remaining applications are currently in the financing stage. The majority of the approved projects are encompassed within sectors such as livestock and crop production, services, trade and light industry. It’s worth noting that a loan with a 2.5% interest rate is available to citizens aged between 21 and 35 years for launching or expanding their businesses. Overall, this year, the program is projected to provide around 5,800 microloans worth 29 billion tenge.