Kazakhstan to launch center for training dairy farm workers

Kazakhstan is set to reduce import dependence on milk from 39 to 11 percent. To this end, the new dairy training center of a German model is being launched in the country. It will be located at the educational research and production center in the Almaty region. Skills of modern milking techniques, feed analysis, cow productivity improvement and cow care will be learned there not only by industry workers, but also by students and graduates of agricultural universities. A similar center is successfully operating in the north of the country, employees of 16 pilot farms from the North Kazakhstan, Akmola, Kostanai and Pavlodar regions are undergoing training there. As noted by the Kazakh Ministry of Agriculture, the center opening will reduce the shortage of qualified personnel in the industry and improve the quality of milk for processing. Besides, the project implementation contributes to addressing the issue of the country’s food security.

“Now we have a pilot project on the creation of 65 dairy farms in the coming years through preferential financing based on the experience of the North Kazakhstan region. A total of 100 billion tenge was allocated for the implementation and expansion of the given program this year. Accordingly, in order to improve the performance of these dairy farms, it will be necessary to upgrade the skills of employees at existing dairy farms, as well as to attract young people to work in dairy production. As you know, we need to attract not only technology, but also resources, knowledge, and so on,” said Damir Yegizbayev, Press Secretary of the Kazakh Ministry of Agriculture.