Kazakhstan to become regional digital hub

Kazakhstan to become regional digital hub

The share of digital technology in Kazakhstan's economy should increase more than twice by 2029. The necessary measures for this should be reflected in sectoral concepts and development plans of government agencies. Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov outlined a number of tasks at a board meeting of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry. He noted the importance of centralization of all information systems on the ‘Smart Data Ukimet’ analytical system. The country will also step up work on ensuring national cyber security and integration of space technologies into the economy. Another crucial task for the relevant agency is to make Kazakhstan a digital hub in the region. To this end, the ministry was assigned to develop and adopt a corresponding roadmap by March 1. It must reflect clear steps on the launch of data processing centres and the construction of transboundary fiber optic backbones connecting Europe and East Asia through Kazakhstan.