Kazakh Senate returns draft law on national security to Mazhilis

Kazakh Senate returns draft law on national security to Mazhilis

Kazakh defense enterprises should remain under state ownership, according to Senate Chairperson Maulen Ashimbayev. He also emphasized the need for the implementation of new systemic mechanisms to support defense enterprises. Today, members of the Senate, an Upper House of the Kazakh Parliament, considered a draft law on national security and service in special state agencies of the country in two readings. It is noteworthy that Senate members conceptually supported the draft law but proposed amendments. These amendments aim to eliminate duplicative functions, and the document also includes provisions on the introduction of voluntary fingerprint registration. The primary objective of the draft law is to ensure measures that strengthen the prevention of extremism and promote the development of the country’s military-industrial potential.

“This is a matter of national security. We believe these enterprises should be under state ownership. Therefore, it is evident that implementing systemic support mechanisms for such enterprises is necessary. We suggest that you work on this issue with our Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security to identify the possibilities within the legal framework. If changes need to be made in terms of providing support, we are ready to discuss this with the MPs,” said Maulen Ashimbayev, Chairperson of the Senate, the Upper House of the Kazakh Parliament.