Kazakh playwright Dulat Issabekov’s play to be staged in Australia

October 4, 2022 is the day when the Kazakh culture will be presented to the whole world again. The play "Borte, Empress of the World" will premiere in Melbourne, Australia. It is based on the play by domestic writer Dulat Issabekov. He is the outstanding and prominent figure worldwide who needs no introduction. Preparation works are currently in full swing, the casting has been announced. The female lead is being chosen with particular attention.

“European playwrights have presented only male protagonists in the last decade. And there is no bright female figure, so far. Borte is a sensation for us. We know much about Genghis Khan, but nothing about Borte. And the play is now called "Borte, Empress of the World", not just "Borte", which I approved with great pleasure,” shared Issabekov.

According to Issabekov, he is unlikely to attend the premiere in person. His children will definitely watch "Borte" performed by foreign actors. But these are far-reaching plans. Tomorrow, there is going to be a press conference in Almaty dedicated to the writer's work. The presentation of the book entitled “Scorching Sun. Fierce wind. Living Steppe”, which was translated into Swedish, will also be held there.

“There are five well-known novels and three short stories. They were translated by a member of the Swedish Academy, Nobel Prize winner Bengt Samuelsson,” Issabekov added.

The writer doesn’t really know why the foreign readers are so interested in his art. He says he does not have any special secret of success. One of his plays, namely, "Transit Passenger", was performed in different theaters for several years - first in St. Petersburg and then in London. It was the beginning of the triumphal procession of the Kazakh playwright’s work on the world theater stage. And now, Melbourne citizens are looking forward to seeing the mysterious "Borte, Empress of the World" this autumn.